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Common Snakes of the Bay Area and Northern California


Garter Snake

Garter Snakes are one of the most common snakes in the Bay Area., in fact, they are considered to be the most common snake in the United States. There are 3 species of garter snakes in our area and they all look somewhat similar.


Gartersnakes can generally be identified by a yellowish/light stripe running down the middle of the back to the tip of the tail. Some may have reddish markings on the side while others may be nearly black but all will have the yellowish stripe on the back.


Garter Snakes eat a variety of prey items including lizards, amphibians, insects, slugs, worms, fish, and small mammals. 


DEFENSE: Garter snakes may produce a foul smelling musk if handled or threatened.


NOTES: Harmless and common, does well in suburban yards and gardens, beneficial for pest control, often kept as a pet.






Pacific Gopher Snake


California King Snake



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